

Sensitive, confidential, pressing: all aspects of any corporate investigation, and all reasons clients come to DaHui. Whether confidential internal inquiries or matters associated with government investigations and media attention, DaHui’s partners help not only to swiftly, accurately, and definitively identify issues, but also to simultaneously assist with potential internal and external damage control.

Our multidisciplinary team understands the subtleties of Chinese law and enforcement practices across multiple industries. We have extensive experience handling matters that implicate the State Administration for Market Regulation, the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Cybersecurity Administration of China, and various Public Security Bureaus across China. Lawyers on our team have previously worked in Chinese government agencies and courts. A unique complement to our China teams are our lawyers in Hong Kong, New York, and London, who can help coordinate investigations and responses around the world if needed.

Whether engaged at the beginning of an investigation or in the midst of it, our lawyers are always able to help our clients mitigate risks and manage outcomes, targeting solutions that satisfy the requirements of the law or regulators while also allowing for acceptable operating conditions.

Our services in this area include:

  • Assistance with internal investigations and legal audits
  • Representation in investigations, administrative actions, etc. by PRC government agencies
  • Advice and representation on compliance/anti-corruption/white-collar crimes
  • Damage control (including negative press and damage to brand) and mitigation of legal and financial risks
  • Coordination with international counsel in facilitating PRC aspects of global investigations
  • Advice on the implementation of remedial measures
  • Development of systems to preempt and resolve investigatory issues and minimize risks

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